Early morning, I have a Bomba's class..I think i wanna ask a permission from Bomba's Lecturer that I want take a leave for next class because I want to follow my parents go to my twins' graduation at UMT,Terengganu. But, before I wanna ask, that lec already warning us that no skip any Bomba's class because last week many student absent. So, I cancel my intension to ask because I think he will be more angry if I ask.

Then, I call my mom if she can go to Terengganu on saturday after my class. But my mom said can't because on Saturday my twin have a rehearsal. So, depend on me either I skip that class or I'm not follow them go to Terengganu...oWh..very very very difficult to me to make a decision....I wish I can follow them to go to Terengganu because I'm never take a walk there although I have been involved with PLKN at Kemaman, Terengganu. It is because all the way to go to that camp (Cheneh Cemerlang Training Camp, Kemaman), I just see jungle and palm tree only..Very pity..huhuhu..